As part of our planning applications, considerations for the environment and sustainability are a key part of our design objectives. 

For example, electric charging points, early landscape planting and biodiversity improvements are just some of the features included. 

We consult with leading ecology and landscaping experts to ensure the spaces we propose provide opportunities for both residents and local wildlife to flourish.

Our approach to strategic land promotion means we work closely with landowners to realise their aspirations and desired legacy for their land.

By approaching development in the right way, we can have a positive impact on communities, and build a level of trust as a preferred land promoter partner for Councils, local stakeholders, housebuilders and developers.

Catesby Estates working with communities to deliver sustainable new homes



The 5 capitals of sustainability for land promoter Catesby Estates





Illustration of a country scene

Sustainable Development and the Five Capitals Model

“Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

As defined in the World Commission on Environment and Development's 1987 Brundtland report Our Common Future.

We have been led by our parent company (Urban&Civic) and their approach to sustainability, and the structure of their framework around five “capitals”. 

These have been identified as the key opportunity areas to have the most significant potential to make a positive difference as part of the Catesby approach to sustainable land promotion:


Delivery of community benefits as well as green, grey and blue infrastructure, that is designed to reduce impact on climate change.


Create developments which promote health and wellbeing with housing types to meet the present and future generations, built around well designed and beautiful spaces.


Our developments deliver social and economic benefits, with land available at the right time and in the right place to support growth, innovation and productivity along with the provision of infrastructure.


Protecting and enhancing the environment by making effective use of land, delivering a minimum 10% increase in biodiversity.


A people-centric approach including creating a culture of inclusivity and promoting health and wellbeing within our workplace.

Other key considerations:

The Catesby Estates Five Capital Commitments Pledge

A sustainable approach to new development can provide support with the current cost of living crisis experienced by many across the country, by delivering more energy efficient homes, sustainable commuting options and boosting the economy by creating new jobs and investment.

There are opportunities for reducing the impact on natural resources, ensuring cleaner air, protecting the natural environment and providing health and wellbeing opportunities through our land promotion work.

Utilising the experience of our in-house design team and incorporated at an outline planning application stage, our proposals feature designs that support environmental protection and enhancement, whilst also seeking to reduce our impact on climate change.


According to the HBF, households in the UK account for over 20% of greenhouse gas emissions each year.


To help reduce carbon emissions and keep down household energy costs, we seek to promote the following future proofing development techniques through our sites which include:

  • Zero carbon buildings. Reducing carbon emissions by up to 31% in accordance with the new Building Regulations, increasing to 75-80% reduction by 2025
  • Homes with sustainable technology which could include solar PV panels, heat pumps, triple glazing and other heat loss reduction measures
  • EV charging infrastructure and adequate cycle storage provision for each home
  • Direct and indirect contributions to the delivery of sustainable, safe and well-maintained transport infrastructure

Providing public open space through land promotion


The economic benefits of new housing development are significant. 

A study by the Confederation of British Industries (CBI) demonstrates that construction projects have a significant benefit on the local and wider economy. The report concludes that for every £1 of construction expenditure, £2.84 is injected into the economy.

New development, offers the opportunity to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, assist in meeting local housing need and add to the Local Authority’s revenue stream through Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments, increased council taxpayers and the New Homes Bonus scheme. 

The delivery of new homes and the introduction of new residents also helps to support existing local businesses, services and groups.  Research conducted by Onepoll on behalf of Barratt Homes suggests that the average homeowner spends approximately £5,500 within 18 months of moving to make the property “feel like home”.

Working towards net zero development provides an opportunity for business and consumers to transition to clean energy and green technology. This lowers reliance on fossil fuels and reduces the risk of high and volatile prices in the future.

Development of new green technologies will unlock investment and create new jobs.


Providing spaces for nature to flourish through land promotion


Catesby Estates employees undertake at least ten hours of non-mandatory company provided or sponsored learning, training or professional study each year. We recruit, train and develop people for the long term and the business places strong emphasis on lifelong learning.

Employee retention within the business is high with 50% of employees being with the business for five years or more, and nearly 80% with the business for more than three years.

We conduct performance appraisal reviews annually to ensure that our staff have a clear development plan, and we support our employees to pursue and maintain professional qualifications and any other relevant career development goals.

Our work with local communities helps us to better understand local issues and provide solutions such as road improvements, affordable housing or more public open space.  Through our business operations we:

  • Involve the local community at an early stage so they can help inform our final proposals
  • Pride ourselves on our ‘boots on the ground’ approach. We don’t shy away from difficult conversations, and we are always happy to engage with local stakeholders
  • Support organisations local to our sites, working with the likes of Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) and the Forest of Marston Vale
  • Encourage employees to participate in the company wide volunteering scheme. Employees are eligible to apply for paid volunteering leave to undertake approved volunteer work, for up to three of their equivalent working days per calendar year.  Team members have volunteered at a local community foodbank and also assisted a group providing support for young carers
  • Have representatives on our parent company Employee Advisory Group (EAG), engaging with colleagues across all levels of the company so that they share thoughts and ideas around a range of topics including sustainability and health and wellbeing

A sustainable land promotion business

Members of the Catesby senior management team sit on the Urban&Civic Executive Management Committee (EMC) and Senior Strategy Group as part of their role within the parent company and wider group activities.

This ensures awareness of the wider group sustainability initiatives.

Our five capital commitments are used as guiding principles for all stages of the design, planning and delivery of our new developments.

Providing homes with sustainable technology through land promotion


All of our sites provide Local Authority policy compliant affordable housing, comprising a mixture of affordable homes for rent and affordable routes to home ownership (such as Shared Ownership, First Homes or Rent to Buy).

Affordable rented homes are allocated to eligible households on the waiting list, with priority given to local residents or those with a local connection. 

The provision of affordable housing is a significant community benefit, it means that households who are currently ‘priced-out’ of the market will have greater opportunities to access good-quality housing.

Through our sites we also seek to:

  • Support the use of Design Codes providing more certainty on how developments will be delivered
  • Integrate well-designed public open spaces meeting a range of community needs
  • Provide active lifestyle opportunities including walking, cycling and exercise trails and sports facilities

Housebuilding and land promotion helps support the local economy


Utilising the experience of our in-house design team and incorporated at an outline planning application stage where possible we feature exemplar masterplanning and sustainability measures for environmental protection and enhancement, whilst also seeking to reduce our impact on climate change.  Our design proposals will be informed by the retention and enhancement of landscape, ecology and habitat features on our sites. 

This will include the retention and enhancement of existing trees and hedgerows where possible with significant new areas of ecological habitat including new wildflower meadows and tree planting which will provide biodiversity net gain as well as new habitat for species such as birds, bats and insects. 

Wildlife friendly features can also be incorporated such as bat and bird boxes and vegetative buffers to provide further ecological enhancements.

Designs will also seek opportunities for minimising the impact on natural resources including but not limited to, water usage reduction and following cleaner air mandates.


Land promoter Catesby Estates working in local communities


Land promoter Catesby Estates volunteering in local communities


Land Promotion Sustainable Business Operations

Catesby employees and day to day business operations are key to supporting our sustainability commitments.

Where possible our offices operate on green electricity tariffs and recycling facilities are provided. 

Employees have the opportunity to participate in a salary sacrifice electric car scheme, and a car share initiative for site visits and office commutes is well utilised.

Investing in our employee’s health and wellbeing ensures high levels of productivity, knowledge and business resilience. 

Our employees have undertaken mental health training and we have mental health champions within the business providing support to other team members where necessary.

We provide ongoing sustainability training to increase awareness of key issues affecting our business.

For example, our employees attended training from the Carbon Literacy Project delivered by Groundwork East to raise:

“An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”


Would other landowners recommend Catesby Estates?

There is nothing quite like hearing it from the horse’s mouth. 

Over the years we have worked with a wide range of landowners, land agents and Local Authorities located across the UK.  Find out about their experiences of working with Catesby Estates via the land promotion testimonials link below.

Land Promotion Testimonials

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