Our Commercial Land Promotion Track Record Speaks For Itself

Our considerable track record, in house knowledge and expertise means your land is in safe hands.

We pride ourselves on working with both Local Authorities and local communities to deliver high quality developments with well-designed infrastructure and public realms for new and existing businesses and their employees to benefit from.

View Our Case Study Examples

Land promoion example highlighted with a purple line

Land promoion example highlighted with a purple line

What Sets Catesby Estates Apart From Other Commercial Land Promoters?

With over 20 years’ experience and part of the Urban&Civic group of businesses which are owned by the Wellcome Trust, our track record, backing and financial credentials are some of the strongest in the sector.

Our in-house technical team sets us apart from many of our competitors.

Technical constraints need to be considered at all stages of the land promotion process from site acquisition and planning through to the final sale process. This means there is less upfront risk for a future developer who can be confident that our planning applications have fully considered the provision and delivery of site-wide strategic infrastructure.

Our thorough and detailed approach ensures all aspects of the development are rigorously tested, and have value engineered solutions to ensure our future vision for the site can be delivered.

We believe the key to our success is our collaborative approach, and we actively engage with local stakeholders and liaise with relevant statutory bodies including obtaining grant assistance where required to unlock future delivery.

A Specialist Land Promotion Team

The Catesby Estates team approach and vast experience has its emphasis on sustainability, quality and legacy. We work closely with landowners to realise their aspirations and desired legacy for their land and our structure means all members of the team are accessible to our landowners.

Many of our team have commercial development background experience prior to joining Catesby Estates.

Our Marketing and Communications Director spent over 15 years with LCP a leading Pan-European privately owned commercial investment and property management business. This provided her with invaluable experience working collaboratively with local stakeholders on a wide range of industrial and logistic developments, local retail convenience parades and shopping centre developments.

Find out more about the team here

Land promoion example highlighted with a purple line

Land promoion example highlighted with a purple line

What Are The Advantages Of A Commercial Land Promotion Agreement For A Landowner?

Catesby Estates are committed to helping landowners maximise the value of their land

The advantages of a promotion agreement and working with a land promoter:

  • A promotion agreement enables you to retain control over your land throughout the promotion, marketing and sales process
  • You still own the land, and during the promotion process you are free to continue farming or working the land as you wish
  • There is a common interest to achieve the highest deliverable price. This is unlike an option agreement, commonly used by a developer or end user, which is a legally binding agreement to purchase the land in the future
  • No money is spent by the landowner throughout the process, with Catesby Estates covering all the costs involved in obtaining planning permission
  • The risk in achieving planning permission is on Catesby Estates as your selected land promotion partner